Historical Food Fortnightly #14 Fear Factor: Neat’s Tongue
The Challenge: “What foods have you always wanted to attempt, but were afraid to attempt to make – or afraid to eat? Choose a dish that is either tricky to create or nerve-wracking to...
Cooking, Food, Eating, and Recipes from the Past
The Challenge: “What foods have you always wanted to attempt, but were afraid to attempt to make – or afraid to eat? Choose a dish that is either tricky to create or nerve-wracking to...
The Challenge: “Foodways and cuisine are at the heart of every ethnic group around the world and throughout time. Choose one ethnic group, research their traditional dishes or food, and prepare one as it...
The Challenge: “Have you ever looked through a cookbook from another era and been surprised at the modern dishes you find? Have you ever been surprised at just how much they differ from their...
The Food History blog has a new home here at Historical Foodways! When I first started this blog, it was meant to be only for a class project and thus I was not too...
I don’t normally reblog other people’s posts but this is so interesting. I had no idea butter came in different shapes depending on which side of the US it’s being sold. Why are...
Not, THOSE sandwiches, the sweet, cakey ones! The Challenge: “Beef Wellington? Charlotte Russe? Choose a dish named after a person, either fictional or real, to create. Bonus points if you can tell us about...
After I made the American Cookery Pompkin Pudding No. 2, I still had quite a bit of pumpkin puree and pie pastry left, so I decided to tackle the other pumpkin pudding recipe in...
The Challenge: “The 16th [of October] is the anniversary of the beheading of Marie Antoinette (zut alors!). In honor of Madame Deficit, prepare your best cake from a historic recipe. And then eat it,...
It’s Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and it seems everyone in the United States becomes obsessed with pumpkin as soon as the first leaves turn. It’s pumpkin lattes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin all...
I’m joining The Historical Food Fortnightly late. The spirit of the challenge is to create a dish or edible consumable from a pre-1960 recipe every fortnight until May 31st, 2015. Documentation and research are...